Muskmelon Seed Oil

It ha high content of linoleic fatty acids and omega 6 which is very essential to the skin.

Muskmelon Seed Oil

Uses:  Muskmelon seed oil is known for its high content of linoleic fatty acids and omega 6 which is very essential to the skin. It is widely used in Skincare Products to enhance the products with surprising benefits of the Muskmelon Plant. Muskmelon oil has light texture, yet it is highly moisturising oil commonly used in facial and body massage oils, skincare and hair care products, such as Creams, Lotions, Serums, Facial masks or even Soap making. Musk Melons are also rich in potassium, a nutrient that may help control blood pressure, regulate heartbeat, and possibly prevent strokes. It is a good source of Vitamins A, B, and C.

Description: Musk Melon also widely known as cantaloupe comes under the melon family ‘Cucurbitaceae’ along with pumpkins, gourds and cucumbers. Cantaloupes are the most popular kind of musk melon in America. Although all cantaloupes are considered to be musk melons, all musk melons are not cantaloupes. In the Indian markets a variety known as ambrosia melon is very popular. This variety tastes and looks like the cantaloupe but the colour of the flesh is a brighter orange.

  • Botanical Name:Cucumis melo
  • Common Name:Kharbooja Beej in Hindi, Muskmelon in English
  • Native Country:India
  • Parts Used: Seeds
  • Extraction Method:Cold Processed
  • Aroma: Mild seedy aroma

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