Uses: The oil from the seed is considered an excellent lubricant, and externally used for shingles and boils, leprosy and skin diseases. The kernel of the seed is an expectorant, and used in dysentery. In cosmetics, this it is used for its antifungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumour properties. Because it prevents synthesis of certain proteins, it is also considered toxic to skin cancer cells. It is high in the essential amino acid, arginine. The seeds have laxative properties, when eaten, due to their high oil content. The kernels provide essential, valuable and useful minerals needed for good body development. Over half of the seed is oil.
Description: Sponge Gourd or Luffa is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family, which looks like a cucumber. Sponge Gourd plants are native to India. Sponge Gourd seed oil comes from the seeds found within the fibrous part of the Sponge gourd’s fruit. The seeds are pressed to produce the oil. The luffa plant has different uses, and you can find edible luffa in Asian markets. The loofah sponge is taken from the fibrous interior of the luffa plant’s fruit. They are grown as hard, medium and soft loofahs which have different uses. The hard-fibrous sponges are great for cleaning pots and pans. The medium-soft loofahs are often used for bathing sponges, and the soft loofahs are cut in pieces for exfoliating soap.
Bela Attar |
Chameli Attar |
Genda Attar |
Gulab Attar |
Hina Attar |
Keora Attar |
Kesar Attar |
Mogra Attar |
Mukhallat Attar |
Oudh Attar |
Shamama Attar |
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Nullam orci dui, dictum et magna sollicitudin, tempor blandit erat. Maecenas suscipit tellus sit amet augue placerat fringilla a id lacus. Fusce tincidunt in leo lacinia condimentum. Maecenas suscipit tellus sit amet augue placerat fringilla a id lacus. Suspendisse potenti. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
Address: 54/20, Canal Road, Nayaganj,
Kanpur-208001 UP, India.
Essential oils provide a natural way to reduce crop diseases
Plant disease in papayas can be stopped using plant essential oils
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