Uses: The oil is used widely in some injectable drug formulations. The lignans such as sesamin, episesamin, sesaminol and sesamolin are major constituents of sesame oil and all have chemically methylenedioxyphenyl group. Sesamin and sesamolin known to have a cholesterol lowering effect in humans and to prevent high blood pressure. In addition to its use as an antioxidant, sesame oil contains a large amount of linoleate in triglyceride form that selectively inhibit malignant melanoma growth. Studies have also shown a beneficial effect for the liver. The oil is good for children as the oil protects babies from rashes on their skin. Sesame is used in the treatment of anaemia, blurred vision and relaxation of the bowel. It is extremely effective in killing bacteria causing gingivitis.
Description: The Sesame plant is erect, simple or branched annual, 60-180 cm. in height. The petals of the flower are tubular, approximately 3 cm long, with an applicate margin slightly bilabiate. The fruit is a capsule, erect and oblong. The capsule contains numerous small ovate seeds. Sesamum Indicum oil-rich seeds, which come in a variety of colours, from cream-white to charcoal-black. Seeds grow in pods, which burst open at maturity. Sesame seed is one of the oldest oilseed crops known, domesticated well over 3000 years ago. Charred remains of sesame at Harappa excavations (3600-1750 B.C.) indicate that sesame was in cultivation during the Indus Valley Civilization. Sesame seeds were introduced to the US by African slaves. Today, India and China are the world’s largest producers of sesame, followed by Burma, Sudan, Mexico, Nigeria, Venezuela, Turkey, Uganda and Ethiopia.
Bela Attar |
Chameli Attar |
Genda Attar |
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Hina Attar |
Keora Attar |
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Mukhallat Attar |
Oudh Attar |
Shamama Attar |
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Address: 54/20, Canal Road, Nayaganj,
Kanpur-208001 UP, India.
Essential oils provide a natural way to reduce crop diseases
Plant disease in papayas can be stopped using plant essential oils
Gangotri Essential Oils © 2019