Uses: Pumpkin seed oil is rich in vitamin E, zinc, omega 3- and 6- fatty acids as well as antioxidants, therefore it has tremendous benefits for the skin in terms of retaining moisture, fighting free radicals and maintaining a youthful appearance. The high amounts of zinc and vitamin E also improve skin tone, help wounds heal more rapidly, fight acne and help with skin renewal. Lastly, many of the minerals and vitamins have anti-aging effects as well. The chemicals in the pumpkin seed cause also an increase in urination (diuretic effect), which helps relieve bladder and prostate discomfort. Some chemicals might also reduce inflammation in the prostate. Pumpkin seed also contains a chemical that might kill intestinal worms.
Description: Pumpkin seeds are flat, dark green seeds. Some are encased in a yellow-white shell, although some varieties of pumpkins produce seeds without shells. Pumpkin seeds have a malleable, chewy texture and a subtly sweet, nutty flavour. While roasted pumpkins seeds are probably best known for their role as a perennial Halloween treat, these seeds are so delicious, and nutritious, that they can be enjoyed throughout the year. In many food markets, pepitas are available in all of the forms described above—raw and shelled, raw and unshelled, roasted and shelled, roasted and unshelled. Like cantaloupe, watermelon, cucumber, and squash, pumpkins and pumpkin seeds belong to the gourd or Cucurbitaceae family. Within this family, the genus Cucurbita contains all of the pumpkins (and their seeds). The most common species of pumpkin used as a source of pumpkin seeds are Cucurbita pepo, Cucurbita maxima, Cucurbita moschata, and Cucurbita mixta.
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Address: 54/20, Canal Road, Nayaganj,
Kanpur-208001 UP, India.
Essential oils provide a natural way to reduce crop diseases
Plant disease in papayas can be stopped using plant essential oils
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